Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monthly Updates, Court Reports, and Contact Logs, Oh My!
Documentation remains one of the most difficult, yet most important procedures for every CASA/GAL. As you know, we operate within an organization and a court system that requires constant documentation. National CASA standards and Ohio Rules of Superintendence, along with local court rules and CASA of Franklin County policies all require different information. We also collect relevant data for some of our grants. This makes our monthly updates and court reports feel overwhelming at times.

The focus group participants asked for a chance to revamp these forms and we agree! We are in the process of collecting volunteers for a Task Force to tackle the Monthly Update forms. We will meet in early December to discuss changes and delegate responsibilities. If you are interested please contact Anne.

GAL court reports are in a state of flux in Franklin County. The good news is that, for the time being, its business as usual for all CASA volunteers! Rule 48 requires some changes, and the local court will soon give direction on what they will expect in these new Rule 48 reports. As discussed in the focus groups, currently staff attorneys submit a Rule 48 report based on the volunteer’s Court Report. With all of the changes, we are waiting to train everyone on new Court Reports once the local courts sort it all out.

Volunteers are still required to submit their Court Reports 10 days before the next hearing. Keep in mind also, that the 10 days before a hearing are sometimes critical and unpredictable. You are able to orally supplement the report in the court room, so be sure to stay informed on your case right up until the court date!

Training and Collaboration!

If you know of a great organization that is available to train volunteers, please let Julie know! We are always looking to provide useful training for our volunteers. Some focus group participants were also interested in cross-training with Franklin County Children’s Services and other agencies. We think this is a good idea and are looking into the possibility. As you all know, we work within an imperfect system, and collaborating with other social agencies will serve to strengthen the level of services for all children.

Parking downtown is a pain! This was a common message heard at the focus groups, and we understand. Especially in the coming winter months, please plan on arriving at the courthouse for 9am hearings very early to find a spot in the garages. Both county garages are usually full by 8:30 on winter mornings. You are welcome to come up to our office, relax and have some coffee before your hearing. We do have a limited amount of parking tokens for the county garages only, so please ask for tokens when you come into the CASA office prior to or immediately following a court hearing. Tokens or parking reimbursements are not available for in-service trainings. With that in mind, when possible, we try to schedule in-service trainings off-site or after 6:00p.m., when meters are free. If you have connections with an appropriate place for trainings, please let us know.

Victims of Crime Applications and VINE Assistance Pamphlets

We heard from the focus groups that some of the paperwork we present to families regarding the Victim’s of Crime Act confuses them. We understand that it requires some extra explanations to families, but it is mandatory for us to present the material because of grant requirements. Please contact Marilyn directly if you have more questions about how to present this information.

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